Friday, July 29, 2005

My Open Invitation to Fight You

Would you like to fight me? I'm ready, ho. Anytime you want. I can't wait till we finally meet in the flesh again, so I can knock that fat melon of yours around. Remember the time you told that guy, who told the other guy, about that shit you said about me? Yeah, that time man, that other dude told me. And I'm fucking pissed. It's been a while since I fought someone, and even longer since I got to cold-cock a shit talker. I can't wait to start picking your teeth out of my knuckles, or watch the inevitable ambulance cart you away. Hey, we can video tape it! That way I can see the knockout punch or choke hold that finally puts you under, just like in Menace to Society. Except of course, you probably won't be Asian, and I won't shoot you. Also, come on, do we need to start talking about each others moms? I mean, please, have some decency.

Anyway, I'm ready. I've watched Rocky 2 several times today, and can feel the righteous vengeance building inside, ready to explode all over you in an orgasmic explosion of fury.

Maybe afterwards we can grab a pizza. Or Chinese, fucking love Chinese.

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