Thursday, July 28, 2005

The General is Angry

I figure, if, on average, lets say I get laid twice a week, in my employer's eyes (monetary value), that adds up to about, oh, lets say $500 a week, minimum. But, this doesn't include interest/inflation. And this interest/inflation scale is not exponential, but geometric, in that it is an exponent of itself, i.g. X^X. So, the longer I wait, the greater the buildup of interest/inflation, thus the greater the value of my loss. I figure some equation like:

Sum [(G)*(n+1)]^(n+1)

where G=average value of General activity and n=incrimental days without activity

I begin the value at of n=0, so n+1 is necessary for a true calculation.

right now, we are talking heavy coin.

I'm on day 44. Had I a diagram, it would jump off the scale, even if I reduced n by a factor of 7.

And I feel like I am dying very, very slowly, especially when that special someone talks dirty to me.

Oh yah, to those of you who don't like me out there, go fuck yourself and I will meet you in the back alley. You shit talkers know who you are.

To the rest, I love you all.


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