Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Hilly Wilds of Neola Utah 83053!

Being the adventurous sort, and having spent just about as much time as one can in a trailer and on the Internet (mutually inclusive), the itch to explore the area took hold, and I was off. The area around the rig is fucking beautiful. Mostly sand with frequently spotted plants and trees. I kept running into the strangest shit out there. Old Jars and cans, Blown up trailers from 1987, either by accident, Tornado, or Redneck C-4, and I grabbed what looked like an Old West Laudanum bottle. Really beautiful. I wandered until I was about 2-3 miles out, decided I wouldn't find the waterfall everyone keeps talking about today, and headed back in. No snakes, some lizards, lots of bugs that imitate rattlesnake sounds by flapping on surrounding vegetation. Or at least I speculate. Fuck I wish I had a camera.

I get back to rig, head up to the doghouse to chat with the old boys. More stories of 2 million lbs blocks, 4500 horsepower rigs that can go 27,000 feet down, which of course, I fucking love. The guys talk about the rigslike they do about their trucks, or better yet, their own little toy with which they rip apart at the forces holding the Earth together. Trying to learn so much so quickly, but I have to admit, I love it out here. Damn those progressive ideals! But it is fun as hell.

Everyone out here is cool. Usually no one is trying to fuck with anyone else. Everyone feels necessary, everyone out here works hard, everyone out here makes good money. Kinda of like a traveling burning man. Shit, on more levels than one.

Well, some short dicks try to stump your cord too. One dude Jon bitched about me to the company man for hanging around "too long" just to watch the end of The Missing. Get some balls, talk to me, I wouldn't have had a problem. Then the dude accused me of taking his fucking business card book. Of course, again, not to me.


This ain't the 80's.

Some pricks look at this gorgeous mug, and just can't help but try and piss on the pants leg.

I digress...

Everyone on this rig is cool. I'm hear for a month, the shit is kick ass, Cartman style.

My broke ass has to find some food.

Glorious Respect onto The Chad!

Out from Utah.

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