Monday, March 14, 2005

Drunkin' Roughneck

I usually don't chronicle my day to day because it's pretty boring. Yesterday was different. This roughneck came bursting in our trailer loud as ever. Come to find out that it was payday and he's wasted on Jack Daniels. He offered us some and we respectfully declined. He proceeded to tell us that he had been in the pokey for 7 years for God-knows-what up in Salt Lake City. He had been approached by the Tool Pusher (he's in charge of the rig crews on a jobsite) earlier and was asked "Have you been drinking?" To which he replied, "All day dude!" Apparently he doesn't get along with any of the younger roughnecks because they were all on crystal meth. Wonderful. After he left we saw him zipping around in the forklift. I left the trailer to catch a sample when I saw him standing half naked on top of the water tank, "Whoooooo Hooooooo!" This was strange because it was 12 degrees outside.

They don't run this guy off the site because there's apparently a shortage of help around here. The oil business is busy lately. If I was the Pusher I would run this guy off as soon as possible before he kills himself or someone else. I'd trip the pipe myself as long as Sparky stays off my location.

I see he's back today. They're mudding up which takes a while. I asked him how long it would take hoping he would be busy and wouldn't bother me. He responded "I'll come talk to you when I get a chance." Fuck! This guy is just another reason to stay in school kids.

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