Thursday, February 17, 2005

On the Gayness of Blogs

I am now a blogger. My friend David Jewsrailson has informed me that this blog is gay and he "throws up in his mouth a little when he looks at it." I was curious as to where he could have gotten this notion. I searched around today to see what other people are blogging about. Some people seem to use blogging for business and political reasons but mostly it's a forum for self absorbed women and teenagers to keep a diary of their daily lives. Maybe self absorbed is too strong a word but I don't fully understand a woman's obsession with diaries, Journals, and whatnot. I'm no expert, but the social consensus is that women are more emotional than men. Maybe a blog or journal is like a emotional bowel movement for women. A forum where they can spew and splatter the rollercoaster of temperament associated with their daily uninteresting and sometimes downright annoying misadventures.

There was one pretty cool blog I ran across called Baghdad Burning where this girl writing from Iraq about the occupation there. Then there is the blog of the year. A Republican media blog. They expose the 'liberal media.' Then there is the Media Matters blog which serves as a watchdog for 'The republican noise machine.' Rant time. The Republicans jump all over Dan Rather for not scrutinizing documents enough but at the same time pay off reporters and allow fake, Republican sponsored, and possibly white house linked, newspeople into whitehouse press conferences to ask softball questions. Let's not forget the giant lie that is "Unfit for Command." But anyway check out media matters if you want to see the ridiculousness of the 'conservative media'.

I think my blog falls under the category of to-much-free-time-at-work-blogs. Perhaps I am a bit self absorbed to have a blog and maybe I am no better than some teenybopper who can't get Craig, who sits two rows over in homeroom, to fingerbang her into rapture, but it's something to do. For those very few that read my bullshit, if you at any time find this blog to be gay in anyway I would like to be informed so the situation will be nullified ASAP. Fair warning though, I am going to post my Oscar picks soon. That one doesn't count. Chris Rock has made me paranoid about my love of the oscars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too gay. Didn't read it.